Don’t have time
Running out of time
I can help
Can’t stand you
You think like a 5 year old
I can’t keep doing this
The stress
Its building up
Take a deep breath and calm down
Don’t have time
To calm down
Got to keep moving
There’s no time to stop
What I’m going to do
Need help?
No , I can do this
I got this
I will finish
Just need to focus
Can’t hand in rushed work
Tick tock
You stupid clock
Just say a little prayer
Soon this would be over
Don’t worry
Here’s a tissue
Go away
Why would I need a tissue
I don’t crack under pressure like a Libra
I’m a virgo
Can’t I get some respect
I’m not asking for love
I don’t need it
I would love to help you
What is wrong with these stars
I’m an independent woman
I don’t need your pity love
I need to focus
be ...
She fainted!
That’s what she gets
I offered to help
I saw her scream at the clock
I offered her tissue, she was sweating
She’s probably a virgo
If she is she would be the 5th one this week
Oh how the Virgo’s have fallen.
-Deborah Ugo-Omenukwa
A Virgo's Fall is how being an independent perfectionist can cause someone to fall alone and hard.
Deborah Ugo-Omenukwa (she/hers) is a sophomore based in NY. She is the founder + director of Just Ask A Teen an Advice page (IG: just.ask.a.teen)! She wants to be a Lawyer and Judge. She also has an interest in forensic and criminal psychology. She writes poetry and songs to let her emotions and thoughts roam somewhere outside of her head.
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